We are a society based on vanity! All the way back to the beginning of recorded history humans have wanted to live forever, look more attractive and be stronger. The amazing and sad part is most of the time it was to attract the best mate. This is something that as a society we should have evolved past in the modern age, but we have not. In fact it has just gotten worse, but now it's not about finding a suitable mate. Now it's about the image that society puts on each of us. We must look a certain way, act a certain way and be a certain way.
Read MoreOn a basic level interval training is the raising and lowering of the heart rate during a given workout. So, why do we want to raise and lower the heart rate? For years the answer has been because it helps you lose weight faster. Well that answer is correct, but how do you lose weight faster.
Read MoreNowadays most guys either are very soft and cuddly with their skinny jeans, hair buns and dad bods or super macho and showing everyone. These extremes are just plain sad. To both groups I beg you please WAKE UP! Do you really think that real women want either?
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