Posts in weight loss

Everyday I here and see people saying I want abs. Great goal for sure but what each of these people fail to understand is to have visible abs you must learn how to cook and eat clean. Exercise will strengthen the abs and burn fat, but it will not give you visible abs on its own. Nutrition is the key to any weight loss program and it all begins in the kitchen. Understanding what eating clean means is one of the hardest concepts for people to understand I have found.

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We Are A Society Based On Vanity!

We are a society based on vanity! All the way back to the beginning of recorded history humans have wanted to live forever, look more attractive and be stronger. The amazing and sad part is most of the time it was to attract the best mate. This is something that as a society we should have evolved past in the modern age, but we have not. In fact it has just gotten worse, but now it's not about finding a suitable mate. Now it's about the image that society puts on each of us. We must look a certain way, act a certain way and be a certain way.

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